kkk 2 years ago
100 changed files with 5792 additions and 0 deletions
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+            url:"/collectionsearch/newBooksBulletins",
+            type:"POST",
+            data:{orgid:orgid,pageSize:10,pageNumber:pagenumber},
+            success:function (result) {
+                if (result.code == 200) {
+                    if(result.data){
+                        $("#resultHtml").html("");
+                        for (var i = 0; i < result.data.list.length; i++) {
+                            var results = result.data.list[i];
+                            var resultHtml = "<tr>\n" +
+                                "<td><a href='/collectionsearch/newBookDetailHtml?id="+filterXSS(results.id)+"&orgid="+filterXSS(orgid)+"&pagenumber="+filterXSS(pagenumber)+"'>" + filterXSS(results.title) + "</a></td>\n" +
+                                "<td>" + filterXSS(results.author) + "</td>\n" +
+                                "<td>" + filterXSS(results.publisher) + "</td>\n" +
+                                "<td style='color: red;'><span>★</span><span>★</span><span>★</span><span>★</span><span>★</span></td>"+
+                                "<td>" + filterXSS(results.createtime) + "</td>\n" +
+                                "</tr>";
+                            $("#resultHtml").append(resultHtml);
+                        }
+                        $("#totalRow").text(result.data.totalRow);
+                        $("#totalPage").text(result.data.totalPage);
+                        $("#pagenumber").text(result.data.pageNumber);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    $(".prev").click(function () {
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+        if(parseInt(p)>1){
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+        }else{
+        }
+    })
+    $(".next").click(function () {
+        var n =$("#pagenumber").text();
+        var end = $("#totalPage").text();
+        if(parseInt(n)<end){
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+        }
+    })
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+        newBookBulletins(1);
+    })
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+    })

+ 157 - 0

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+					<td colspan="3" id="author">暂无著者</td>
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+					<th>出版社</th>
+					<td colspan="3" id="publisher">暂无出版社</td>
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+                            }
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+                    if(result.code == 200){
+                        if(result.data){
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+                                var results = result.data.list[i];
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+        function returnlistpage(){
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+                        "<span style='float: right;font-size: 25px;line-height: 50px'>"+result.data.createtime+"</span>";
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+        }
+        $.ajax({
+            url:"/collectionsearch/rulesInfo",
+            type:"GET",
+            data:{orgid:theRequest.orgid},
+            success:function (result) {
+                if(result.code == 200){
+                    $("#rulesHtml").html("");
+                    if(result.data){
+                        var rulesHtml = "<font style=\"font-size:25px;line-height:50px;\">"+result.data.title+"</font>\n" +
+                            "<div>"+result.data.content+"</div>";
+                        $("#rulesHtml").append(rulesHtml);
+                    }else {
+                        $("#rulesHtml").append("暂无规章制度");
+                    }
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+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#define layout()
+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+	<link href="/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet">
+	<!--[if lt IE 9]>
+	<script src="/lib/html5shiv.min.js"></script>
+	<![endif]-->
+	<style>
+		#unreadNum:hover{color:#ffff00;cursor:pointer; }
+	</style>
+<div style="padding-left:25px; padding-right: 25px;padding-top: 10px;">
+    #@main()
+    <span class="rgBtnShow" id="sectionShrinkImg" style="display: none;" onclick="showRgData()">
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+ 49 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#define paginate(currentPage, totalPage, link)
+	#if(totalPage <= 0 || currentPage > totalPage) #return #end
+	#setLocal(startPage = currentPage - 4)
+	#if (startPage < 1) #setLocal(startPage = 1) #end
+	#setLocal(endPage = currentPage + 4)
+	#if (endPage > totalPage) #setLocal(endPage = totalPage) #end
+	<div class="pagination">
+			#if (currentPage <= 8)
+				#setLocal(startPage = 1)
+			#end
+			#if ((totalPage - currentPage) < 8)
+				#setLocal(endPage = totalPage)
+			#end
+			#if (currentPage == 1)
+				<span class="disabled prev_page">上页</span>
+			#else
+				<a href="#(link)#(currentPage - 1)#(append)" class="prev_page">上页</a>
+			#end
+			#if (currentPage > 8)
+				<a href="#(link)#(1)#(append)">#(1)</a>
+				<a href="#(link)#(2)#(append)">#(2)</a>
+				<span class="gap">…</span>
+			#end
+			#for(i : [startPage..endPage])
+				#if (currentPage == i)
+					<span class="current">#(i)</span>
+				#else
+					<a href="#(link)#(i)#(append)">#(i)</a>
+				#end
+			#end
+			#if ((totalPage - currentPage) >= 8)
+				<span class="gap">…</span>
+				<a href="#(link)#(totalPage - 1)#(append)">#(totalPage - 1)</a>
+				<a href="#(link)#(totalPage)#(append)">#(totalPage)</a>
+			#end
+			#if (currentPage == totalPage)
+				<span class="disabled next_page">下页</span>
+			#else
+				<a href="#(link)#(currentPage + 1)#(append)" class="next_page" rel="next">下页</a>
+			#end
+	</div>

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#define main()
+    <div id="" class="nav-title">上级通知公告</div>
+    <table id="dataTable" lay-filter="dataTable"></table>
+#define methods()
+    myTable.list({
+        url:"/notice/receiveList",
+        postData:{orgid:JSON.parse(sessionStorage.loginData).orgid},
+        elem:"#dataTable",
+        toolbar:"#tableHeader",
+        cols: [[
+            {type: 'numbers', title: '序号'}
+            ,{field: 'flag', title: '类型',align:'center',templet:function (d) {
+                    if(d.flag == 0){
+                        return "公告";
+                    }else {
+                        return "通知";
+                    }
+                }}
+            ,{field: 'title', title: '发布主题',align:'center', event:'openMessage' ,style:'text-decoration-line: underline;color: #199ED8; cursor: pointer;'}
+            ,{field: 'createtime', title: '发布时间', align:'center',templet:function(d){
+                    if(null != d.createtime && "" != d.createtime){
+                        return d.createtime.split(" ")[0];
+                    } else {
+                        return "";
+                    }
+                }}
+            ,{field: 'orgname', title: '发布单位', align:'center'}
+            ,{field: 'readstatus', title: '是否已读',align:'center',templet:function (d) {
+                    if(d.readstatus == 0){
+                        return "未读";
+                    }else {
+                        return "已读";
+                    }
+                }}
+        ]]
+    });
+    table.on('tool(dataTable)', function(obj){
+        if(obj.event === 'openMessage'){
+            if(obj.data.filsurl == null){
+                obj.data.filsurl = "";
+            }
+            downloadUrl = obj.data.filsurl;
+            var filsurl = obj.data.filsurl;
+            var index = filsurl .lastIndexOf("\/");
+            filsurl  = filsurl .substring(index + 1, filsurl.length);
+            obj.data.filsurl = filsurl.slice(13);
+            //obj.data.filsurl = filsurl;
+            if(obj.data.filsurl){
+                obj.data.filsurl = "附件:"+obj.data.filsurl;
+            }
+            console.log(obj)
+            var noticeStr = '<div id="noticeContent">\n' +
+                '    <h5>{{d.title}}</h5>\n' +
+                '    <div class="noticeContentText">{{d.content}}</div>\n' +
+                '    <footer style="margin-bottom: 0;"><div style="text-align: left;"><a onclick="downloadFile()">{{d.filsurl}}</a></div> ' +
+                '<div>{{d.orgname}}</div>' +
+                '<div>{{d.createtime.split(" ")[0]}}</div></footer>\n' +
+                '</div>';
+            laytpl(noticeStr).render(obj.data, function(string){
+                noticeStr = string;
+            });
+            layer.open({
+                title: "查看",
+                type: 1,
+                area: ['1000px', '500px'],
+                skin: 'noticeStr',
+                content: noticeStr,
+            });
+            $.ajax("/notice/setRead",{
+                data:{id:obj.data.id},
+                success:function(result){
+                    if(result.code==200){
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    });
+    function downloadFile(){
+        console.log(downloadUrl);
+        window.open('/file/downloadFile?filename='+downloadUrl);
+    }



+ 73 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
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+ 196 - 0

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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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+ 725 - 0

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+ 742 - 0

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+ 159 - 0

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+ 0 - 0

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff